
Volunteer Opportunities

Discover the satisfaction of helping a leading arts organization bring more art to the public! Volunteer today!

We invite you to join our team of passionate volunteers who are making art happen in the SF Bay Area. Whether you only have a couple of hours to help every so often, or you want to volunteer on a consistent basis, we welcome your support!

SVVA is a volunteer-based organization, so we need volunteer support to help grow, produce and manage the opportunities we bring to artists through Open Studios, artist education, special events, annual exhibitions and connecting to the community.

Here are brief descriptions of the position needed. Contact us for more detailed information.


Board Members

We are always looking for motivated, committed artists and non-artists to join the board. Board members support the mission of the organization, help create opportunities for Bay Area artists, and work to build connections throughout the arts community.  As a working board members must actively contribute with time and talent. Meetings are once a month.

Operations Coordinator/Administration Assistance/General Support

Assist the organization and the Board with administrative tasks, event support, etc. Work with the Treasurer and President to document organizational processes and procedures.

Volunteer Coordinator

Help identify, manage, coordinate and train volunteers to assist with events and in other areas needed to support the organization.

Tax Accountant

Work with the Board Treasurer to ensure financial records are kept accurately and needed tax files are done in a timely manner.

Grant Writer

Assist the Board in identifying available grant and funding opportunities. Complete the research, draft, and submit proposals to appropriate foundations and funding sources.


Directory Proofreaders

Review the Artists Directory before the final submission to the printer. Carefully read preliminary proof copy, compare with artist-provided content and identify discrepancies.

Directory/Poster and Materials Distribution

Provide a location for  artists to collect the directories, posters, and yellow signs needed for promoting Open Studios. Maintain a list of artists who pick up, monitor supply and alert SVVA for additional materials.  Additionally help distribute posters to local businesses that would be willing to post in a window or their store.

Advertising Sales

Help identify and procure advertisements for the Open Studios printed directory from local businesses, organizations and partners.


Exhibit Coordinator

Work with the Exhibit Manager, to coordinate Open Studios pre-show exhibitions, communicate with artists, and provide administrative and logistical support.


Social Media Manager

Create content and manage posting for SVVA social channels including Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube.  May consist of writing artist stories and social posts, and helping with videos. Supervises Social Media Assistant.

Social Media Assistant

Assist the Social Media manager with creating posts and content for social media channels, posting messages, interacting and managing comments on social channels once or twice a week.

Graphic Designer

Be a part of the SVVA Marketing team using your graphic design skills to support design needs for print collateral and/or the websites. Experience with Adobe Suite products required.


Responsible for managing the two organization’s websites with updates and design needs. Should have basic understanding of html, CSS and WordPress.

Video Production Assistant

Help create videos for our YouTube channel. Work on storyboarding, production, shooting and post production. Gain experience interviewing artists and telling stories visually. Understanding of the YouTube platform is helpful.

Event Coordinator

Help identify venues, negotiate rates, hire caterers or organize food and beverage assignments, and provide on-site supervision for events such as artist mixers, awards presentations, and other socializing opportunities.


Event Calendar Coordinator

Research, solicit and compile artist and local arts community events, shows and promotions for website calendar.

Education Coordinator

Help create educational videos, resources and webinars for artists. May include writing content, interviewing artists, setting up video shoots, organizing online content such as webinars and presentations and collaborating with local arts organizations to build out a library of online resources.

I want to help!

I am interested in volunteering in the following areas: